04 July 2011

More on The Amerindians, film by Tracy Assing

You can read/see more about Tracy Assing and her film The Amerindians below:

"Historians tell stories of the past. These stories are always partial truths. These partial truths have consequences for how we imagine the present and the future. In this excellent documentary account of the contemporary Amerindian population of Trinidad and Tobago, and the issues the community faces, directors Tracy Assing and Sophie Meyer clearly illustrate this connection between past, present, and future. Amerindian identity, we are reminded, is not and nor should it be solely or principally about public events like the Santa Rosa Festival. There is far more to the story"....
"What does “indigenous” mean in contemporary Trinidad? How has the island’s Amerindian heritage survived? Tracy Assing, a member of the Carib community of Arima, compares her own family traditions with historical accounts, and asks herself crucial questions about the meaning of the past and the nature of home"....

Dr. Basil Reid on The Amerindian in Trinidadian History
Dr. Bridget Brereton on Amerindians in Trinidad's History
Amerindian Day of Recognition

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