Once again on Wednesday, December 22, 2004, a Prayer March (in silence), in their struggle towards self-governance was carried out by the Raizal People (Recognized and denominated, for the first time, by the Colombian State as “Comunidades Raizales” in article 310 of its reformed Constitution of 1991 and determined by the Colombian Constitutional Court as an “... ethnic group formed by the descendants of the primitive settlers of the islands.” in its Sentence C-086 of 1994, and stated likewise in its Sentence C-052 of 1999, “The Court admitted that the natural territory of the native community of the archipelago are constituted by the islands, cays and islets that are located within said territorial area.”
The Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Kathleena, ancestral territory, heritage and habitat of the Raizal People who were enslaved and brought here some 400 years ago, is located one hundred ten miles east of the Nicaraguan Coast and three hundred miles northwest of the Colombian mainland, which territory was determined and declared by Royal Order of Carlos IV, Spanish King, in November 1803, on a request made to him by the inhabitants, as, “...the islands of San Andres and that portion of the Mosquittia Coast as from the Cabo Gracias a Dios, inclusively, up till the Chagres River…” that since then, Colombia has been gradually and happy-go-luckily ceding to neighboring countries, without consulting them or having their expressed agreement and consent.

Without any shadow of a doubt, from the many written papers in their possession, issued by the Colombian authorities on various occasions and relevant to their various and incessant claims for justice, the Raizal People are aware of the fact that the Colombian State already has a clear knowledge of their rights to self-governance based on ownership of territory, language, customs, religion, traditions, and that they should be specially protected because of their ethnic and territorial status, based not only on internal but also international legal instruments, however, the State refuses to admit this reality and is rather following an erroneous policy of out-dated sovereignty, as in the days of the conquistadores, which causes total disapproval, an increasing state of uncertainty that embodies an underground time-bomb that could most probably end up, sooner or later, in a violent volcanic-like eruption among the people of the Archipelago.

The Colombian State is well known internationally for not taking precautions when forewarned about the possibilities of sinister occurrences and only tries to solve serious problems after they have happened. In this their last March of 2004, the Raizal People, this time some 1500 plus: men, women, youth, children and older folks in buses, took to the streets again to show their determination in their struggle for self-governance. They wish to let the Colombian State know that its processes of dealing with them is obviously erroneous, because the matter concerns serious threats to their safe enjoyment of their human rights, including threats to their cultural survival and physical well-being as a people.

The Raizal People praying outside the local Government’s Office Building
The Raizal People have the right to the legal recognition of their varied and specific forms and modalities of their control, ownership, use and enjoyment of territories and property.
The Raizal People have the right to the recognition of their property and ownership rights with respect to lands, territories and resources they have historically occupied, as well as to the use of those to which they have historically had access for their traditional activities and livelihood. (Proposed American Declaration).

The building of an undesired and very very expensive Pedestrian Walkway, the buying by foreigners of all the lands in the area of this already infamous Walkway apparently imposed by the personal interest of President Alvaro Uribe, when there are: no hospital, complete lack of many other priority services, also a Development Plan, not approved by the people, but based on decisions taken without any consult, direct participation and expressed approval and consent of the Raizal People, when article 330 of the Constitution and Decree 1320 of 1998, guarantees this. Moreover, the daily uncontrolled mainlander immigration increase which does not help to solve the serious overpopulation problem, is far from showing in any way the willingness of the Colombian State to focus its planning in the area of the Archipelago to establish territorial spaces within the administrative structure that will be beneficial to the harmonious territorial development of the Raizal People. Finally, we wish to remind the Colombian State that there are internal and international instruments and actions to protect the land, and fundamental rights of the Raizal People who have declared that they are going to continue praying, protesting, and marching until their rights are recognized and some acceptable agreement between both parties is finally accomplished.
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